Welcome to the Practicing Faith Survey! This resource is designed to help both you and your school learn more about how you are living out your calling as a student. It will ask you about your learning practices and it will offer some feedback to help you grow as a learner. There are three important things you need to know about this survey before you proceed.
Answer • Analyze • Monitor

The survey will not give you a grade. The questions do not have right/wrong answers, and you cannot pass or fail. You can answer them whether you are longing to grow in your faith, loosely attached to Christianity, or wondering how you got here. Unless you share them, no one (not your teachers, not your parents) will see your individual answers or feedback except you. They will be deleted from the site after you are done. This is for you, to help you understand your own learning, so answer as honestly as you can.
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Your teachers and school leaders will not see your answers, but they will see the overall patterns in the answers given by all the students at your school. The gain for your school is being able to make teaching better. So the more honestly you answer, the more you will help your school to understand what is really going on with students.
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The survey is connected to Christian faith, but it is not going to ask you about what you believe. Instead, it will ask you about your practices, about what you do. We learn by doing, not just by believing. Instead of providing a test of how clear your beliefs are, the survey will offer feedback on the areas of life where you seem deeply invested and the ones where you might he helped by learning to invest in different ways.
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